Aarhus Universitets segl

Special talk by Brygg Ullmer on Tangible Visualization and ICy STEAM: interactive tools for engaging complex computational systems

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Onsdag 9. marts 2016,  kl. 10:30 - 11:30


5342-333 Ada

Scientific and information visualization have long served as powerful vehicles for helping people graphically represent, explore, and understand our universe.  Our group investigates and applies tangible visualization.  Tangible interfaces, which facilitate interaction with systems of computationally-mediated physical artifacts, are used to represent and engage complex systems.  Our interfaces range from handheld to architectural physical scales, and in different editions that span and interweave several interaction paradigms.  Our research both develops enabling tools and architectures, and studies and engages specific application domains.  In this talk, we will consider several applications engaging ICy STEAM (interactive computational science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics), with emphasis on supporting computational comparative genomics and communicating
scientific content to diverse audiences.