Aarhus Universitets segl

PITalk with Steve Harrison, co-Chair, DIS 2014, Vancouver BC Canada

Media Space - People, Places and Hands

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Mandag 16. september 2013,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


5335-295 Nygaard Møderum




In this talk, I will highlight a few recurring ideas in my research career. I’ve conducted research in many areas, but today I will pull together a story about the intersection of media, place, people – and hands. Starting in the mid--?1980’s my colleague Bob Stults and I assembled video, audio and information technologies into what we called a “media space”1. “Media spaces” use the constellation of affordances to bring together disparate places and times. I will very briefly show a few projects – the Xerox PARC media space,  video draw,  the drawstream station,  domestic media space, and eXperiments in the Future of Reading – from the distant and more recent past that illustrate and explore different situations and themes, including what makes a space as compared to a place,  how hands operate in social communication, and how the configuration of multiple technologies affords socially negotiated privacy,  access and the redirection of attention.


The first phase of Steve Harrison’s career was as an architect. He is licensed in California,  and spent 12 years at Skidmore,  Owings and Merrill. His second career was as a research scientist at Xerox PARC from 1985 to 2002. In 2003, he became an academic: he is currently Associate Professor of Practice at Virginia Tech in the Department of Computer Science and the School of Visual Arts, and a studio head in the Institute for Creativity Arts and Technology. Steve designs interfaces and buildings; he has won awards for some of those designs; he studies the practices of design; he has created tools for design collaboration; and he writes about all those things;  “Re?Place?Ing Space”  (Harrison and Dourish,  1996) is an oft-cited paper on the behavioral framing of real and virtual space. He has edited and substantially contributed to two books about media space– Media Space: 25+ Years of Mediated Life and Connecting Families:The Impact of New Communication Technologies on Domestic Life.He is very pleased to be spending his sabbatical at Aarhus.




Having seen the big construction project by the harbor, the term “mediaspace” seems to mean something related, but different here.