Aarhus Universitets segl

PITalk with Robert Brewer

Fostering Changes in Residential Resource Use: Sensors, Serious Games, and Sustainability

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Mandag 10. marts 2014,  kl. 12:15 - 13:00


5335-295 Nygaard Møderum (20)

Increasingly, countries are trying to reduce the use of energy and water to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, and deal with the decreased availability of fresh water. Homes account for a significant portion of electricity and water use in the world, so targeting the residential resource consumption is one way to meet this challenge. In this talk, I will describe my past research around fostering energy behavior change in student dormitories in Hawaii, and planned research around shifting energy and water use patterns at the Grundfos dormitory in Aarhus. My research program combines collecting sensor data about resource use, serious games and gamification to keep participants interested, and education to give participants the knowledge to make the necessary changes.