Aarhus Universitets segl

Lecture/Talk: Claudio Orlandi, Aarhus University - Recent Advances in Secure Two-Party Computation

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Mandag 20. januar 2014,  kl. 09:00 - 10:00


ADA 333


Dept. of Computer Science

Title: Recent Advances in Secure Two-Party Computation

Secure computation is the branch of cryptography that allows a set of mutually distrusting parties to perform an interactive computation while ensuring desirable security properties, such as the secrecy of the inputs or the correctness of the output.

Until few years ago, secure computation was considered a topic of theoretical interest only. Things changed dramatically in the last few years and more and more companies are including secure computation protocols in their products. This is possible due to the recent algorithmic advances in this field, and in this talk I will present an overview of some of my contributions with special focus to the two-party case.

Interestingly, as secure computation enters the real world, new problems are identified and the foundations of the field are revisited. As an example, I will talk about my recent work on hiding the size of the inputs of the computation.