Aarhus Universitets segl

Introduction Seminar

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 2. september 2022,  kl. 08:30 - 12:45


Physical / Online


Free DKK

Getting a good start...

All new employees are encouraged to participate in AU's introduction Seminar, which will be twice a year.

The event is for all salaried employees - teachers, PhD students, researchers, secretaries, caretakers, consultants, project employees, cleaning staff, etc.

At the introduction Seminar, the new employees will meet the senior management at AU, and be introduced to the university's overall strategies and values. There will be an opportunity to gain insight into the organizational structure, liaison committees, the union representatives, and rules and guidelines for employees at AU. The new employees also gain the opportunity of expanding their network of colleagues in the organization. Furthermore there will be given special aimed information for respectively academic staff (VIP) and technical-administrative staff (TAP).  



Programme for internationals

08.30 Introduction to the day by International Staff Office
08.50 Welcome by Joint union representative
09.00 Welcome by University management team  
09.30 New to Denmark – presentation by international staff member at Aarhus University 
10.00 Information stands  
10.45 Employment related information from an HR partner    
11.45 Tour of the campus   
12.45 End of programme