Aarhus Universitets segl

Friday lecture talk by Branislav Bosansky on Algorithmic Game Theory – From Computational Complexity to Poker and Rainforests

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Fredag 25. september 2015,  kl. 14:15 - 15:00


5335-016 Peter Bøgh Auditorium


Game theory is a research topic connecting together researchers from many different fields – mathematics, economy, theoretical computer science, as well as artificial intelligence and operations research. Algorithmic game theory focuses specifically on algorithmic questions that arise in game theory – How hard is it to find optimal strategies in particular games or classes of games? How can we actually find these optimal strategies? Can we design scalable algorithms that compute optimal strategies for larger and larger games? In this talk I will highlight some of the recent results ranging from hardness results to real-world game-theoretic applications and describe some of the current challenges in algorithmic game theory.