Aarhus Universitets segl

Friday lecture talk with Kaj Grønbæk: Concepts and Demos that Changed the World

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Fredag 1. november 2013,  kl. 14:15 - 15:00


Peter Bøgh Auditorium

In this talk, I'll give a little taste of how we meet the it-bachelor students with the perspectival course "Great IT-Innovations". I'll discuss examples of great it-innovations and their way from invention to innovation. I'll primarily focus on it-products where software and new interaction designs form the basis for the innovation.  Innovations typically transform through stages from enthusiast/inventor usage, over professional usage, to consumer usage over a long period. It is often the conception within the general public that it-products  evolves extremely fast, but history shows that a typical it innovation takes decades and is driven forward in a "war" between competing and sometimes light-fingered companies. To give useful take-aways for students who wish to become entrepreneurs, I illustrate some of the successes and failures of it-products, illustrating how research sometimes find surprising long ways into products and sometimes raise more hype and promise than can be fulfilled by a product release. The actual choice of examples will be revealed at the talk and illustrated by archival footage.