FabLearnDK Conference 2024: With technology in the hands
Sign up for the annual FabLearnDK conference, and take part in the knowledge sharing on teaching technology understanding, innovation, digital fabrication, and design thinking in Danish education, especially aimed at primary school and youth education.

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Milling Hotel Park, Viaduktvej 28, 5500 Middelfart
This regards all children and young people. They spend 10 years in primary school. Here they must thrive, be able to see meaning in the teaching, and learn something that is important to them. They must learn to behave in the world they grow up in. A world where they must live, learn, and work with digital technologies. It obliges! We need exciting and motivating teaching, where all children and young people have the opportunity to solve concrete, practical, and realistic problems. We also need them to learn to understand, relate to, and create with digital technologies. We can't disagree on that. But how do we do it? You can contribute to this at FabLearnDK 2024, when teachers, pedagogues, managers, consultants, researchers, and others meet for presentations, hands-on workshops, and professional dialogues about practical teaching with technology.
FabLearnDK 2024 is organized by the FabLab@SCHOOLdk municipal partnership in collaboration with the Knowledge Center for Digital Technology Understanding .
FabLearnDK aims to promote and motivate teaching in technology understanding, innovation, digital fabrication, and design thinking in Danish education, especially aimed at primary school and youth education. The conference aims every year to be able to take stock of developments in the field with contributions from current domestic and foreign presenters and workshop holders.
The conference format invites participants to learn from each other's experiences through testing, dialogue, and reflection. The conference functions as a professional and social framework for inspiration and competence development in a network of teachers, school leaders, consultants, decision-makers, researchers, and others with an interest in digital technology understanding, design, and manufacturing.
FabLearnDK is a conference held annually by the FabLab@SCHOOLdk municipal partnership. FabLearn functions as a platform for knowledge sharing internally in the cross-municipal learning community and externally with other collaboration partners and research in the field of technology understanding through digital design and fabrication.
FabLearnDK originates from the international development and research initiative FabLearn , which today is rooted in Transformative Learning Technology at Columbia University, USA. The first Danish FabLearn conference on digital fabrication and design thinking in education was held at Aarhus University in 2014 as a collaboration between Aarhus University and Vejle, Silkeborg and Aarhus municipality.