Aarhus Universitets segl

Computer Science Day 2015

10 minutes to introduce your research. This is the concept of The Computer Science Day

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Fredag 29. maj 2015,  kl. 13:15 - 15:10


5335-016 Peter Bøgh Auditorium

Computer Science day is a way to provide information about what happens at the department’s research areas and in a tightly scheduled two hours program the attendants will be introduced to the research fields at Computer Science. The Computer Science Day is thus a unique opportunity for anybody with an interest in computer science and IT to get a full view of the broad range of impressive computer science research performed in Aarhus. 

Computer Science Day is open to all. Both students, alumni, staff and other interested people are invited to come and get a unique insight into the research at the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University


13:15-13:30 Welcome and the election of this year's Teacher of the Year, TA of the Year and Student of the Year.

13:30-15:1010 x talks: