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Assistant Professor Kasper Green Larsen (DK) and co-author Jelani Nelson (US) have demonstrated that a 30-year-old theorem is the best way to reduce…
After defending his PhD degree, Ingo was celebrated by friends, family and colleagues at a reception.
Since 2012 the “Teacher of the year award” has been awarded to a tenured lecturer from Department of Computer Science. The winner is found as a result…
Kasper Green Larsen, Assistant Professor at MADALGO, the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, received the Hartmann Diploma-Prize of DKR…
On Thurday April 20 Professor Lars Arge from Aarhus University receives a honorary doctorate at TU Eindhoven
As of January 1st, 2017, Lars Arge is the new chairman of The Danish Council for Independent Research, Natural Sciences. Lars Arge has been a member…
After obtaining the degree, Mathias was celebrated by friends, family and colleagues at a reception at the Department of Mathematics. We congratulate…
The Accociation for Computer Machinery (ACM) has announced its 2016 fellows which include MADALGO affiliated professor, Erik Demaine (MIT). He is…
Lars Arge, Professor in Computer Science at Aarhus University and Director of the Danish National Research Foundation Center for Massive Data…
The ALGO 2016 conference (22 - 26 August) hosted by MADALGO at Aarhus University is successfully completed!
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