Professor Lars Arge is new Secretary General of the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters
Lars Arge, Professor in Computer Science at Aarhus University and Director of the Danish National Research Foundation Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO ), has been appointed new Secretary General of the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters as of October 27th 2016.

The aim of the Royal Academy is to help strengthen the position and significance of basic research in Denmark. The leadership of the academy consists of a seven member Presidium lead by the President and Secretary General.
“I am very honored to be chosen for this important and exiting position in the Academy, which represents the very top of Danish research”, states Lars Arge.
The Royal Academy is an almost 275 year old institution, founded in 1742 by King Christian VI. The Academy has 250 national and 250 international members. Approximately two-thirds of the members are from the humanities and social sciences and three-fifths from the natural sciences. The Academy is located in a beautiful building at Dantes Square in central Copenhagen, together with the Carlsberg Foundation who’s board is appointed by and among the national members of the Academy.
“The Academy serves as a meeting place for top researchers in Denmark. We gather approximately 15 times a year and engage in many interesting interdisciplinary discussions. As the new Secretary General, I will be managing the secretariat of the Academy in close corporation with the head of secretariat. In addition I will e.g. participate in various grant and awards committees, protect the Academy's interests through meetings with relevant politicians and government officials, and in general represent the Academy together with the President”, says Lars Arge.
Apart from the closed meetings, the Royal Academy organizes a number of public events, symposiums and lectures, including lectures by Nobel Laureates.