Aarhus University Seal


Creative robots gave success in Jakarta

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Another year of succes at the finales in World Robot Olympiad. This year the danish team in the College category came in third, while the team in Open…

Professor Ivan Damgård appointed editor in chief for Journal of Cryptology

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Professor Ivan Damgård has been appointed editor in chief for Journal of Cryptology, which is the most respected journal within cryptography. Journal…

You can't guess what the user wants

- Public/media

Telehealth solutions may fail if the users are not involved in the development process. Postdoc at Computer Science, Erik Grönvall is part of a Lev…

New deputy head of research at the Department of Computer Science

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Professor Lars Birkedal is from mid October new Deputy Head of Research at the Department of Computer Science.

Kurt Jensen new head of AU Summer University

- Public/media

From summer 2014, Department Head Kurt Jensen from the Department of Computer Science will be head of AU Summer University.

Young talents compete with robots for the finals in Asia

- Featured

A ticket to the World Robot Olympiad in Indonesia is at stake when more that 100 young people from across the country meet in Aarhus during this…

Capital for development of secure Dropbox

- Staff

Researchers from Department of Computer Science and the Alexandra Institute are behind a secure key management system based on secure Multi-Party…