Aarhus University Seal


CFEM Workshop: Theory and Practice of Secure Multiparty Computation

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From May 5 to 9, 2014, CFEM is organizing a workshop on the theory and practice of Secure Multiparty Computation, bringing together experts in all…

Lars Birkedal new Editor-in-Chief for LMCS

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Lars Birkedal has been appointed Editor-in-Chief for LMCS “Logical Methods in Computer Science” journal. LMCS celebrates its 10th anniversary this…

Students can also participate in conferences

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And even with great benefit. This became clear to the 4 student Christian Ø. Laursen, Anders Høedholt, Soren Pedersen and Michael Ha, when…

AU video with Claudio Orlandi from Department of Computer Science

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"My lab is in my head"

New minister congratulates Lars Birkedal

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On the occasion of his Sapere Aude top researcher grant, Lars Birkedal was invited to an award ceremony at the EliteForsk conference. The conference…

Kaj Grønbæk is representative of one of three innovative archetypes

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Professor Kaj Grønbæk has been chosen as one of three innovative archetypes in Denmark by the think tank Mandag Morgen.

Michael E. Caspersen appointed ACM distinguished educator

- Awards

Centre director and associate professor, Michael E. Caspersen has been appointed “ACM Distinguished Educator” by the Association for Computing…

Best paper award to Lars Arge

- Awards

At this weeks International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation in Hong Kong (ISAAC'13; the 24th in the series of yearly conferences), the paper…

No more plastic cards

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Four students in IT Product Development have developed a net service to collect discount cards, mails and text messages on the smart phone.