Aarhus University Seal

Previous talks

CS Colloquium - Kasper Green Larsen: In Pursuit of Optimality

22 Feb
Friday 22 February 2019, at 15:15 Building 5335, room 016 (Peter Bøgh Auditorium)

What would you rather compute with a paper and pencil, 3'593'103 + 1'502'348 or 3'593'103 x 1'502'348? Most sane people would prefer adding the two…

CS Colloquium - Martin Møller: A Scaled Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Fast Supervised Learning

7 Dec
Friday 7 December 2018, at 15:15 Building 5335, room 016 (Peter Bøgh Auditorium)

I would like to invite you to celebrate a 25 year old high-impact paper from Department of Computer Science, AU. To my knowledge, the paper is…

CS Colloquium - Jaco van de Pol: Automated Verification: can Brute Force be Smart?

16 Nov
Friday 16 November 2018, at 15:15 Building 5335, room 016 (Peter Bøgh Auditorium)

The digital society, including our personal life, depends increasingly on software. Software errors are annoying, hinder productivity, screw up our…

CS Colloquium - Daniel Gruss: Software-based Microarchitectural Attacks: What do we learn from Meltdown and Spectre?

26 Oct
Friday 26 October 2018, at 15:15 Nygaard-016 (5335-016). Åbogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N

In this talk, we will discuss software-based microarchitectural attacks, with a focus on Meltdown and Spectre.

CS Colloquium - Ira Assent: Briefly confused? It's not you, it's the context

5 Oct
Friday 5 October 2018, at 15:15 Building 5335, room 016 (Peter Bøgh Auditorium)

Abbreviations are convenient when we refer to a concept again and again, in particular if it is a long or complicated term. Naturally, due to the…

CS Colloquium - Jesper Buus Nielsen: An Encrypted Glance

14 Sep
Friday 14 September 2018, at 15:15 Building 5335, room 016 (Peter Bøgh Auditorium)

It is well known that if you want to prevent aliens (or just other people) from reading your thoughts, you can simply wear a tinfoil hat. However, as…

CS Colloquium - Hans-Jörg Schultz: Towards the LEGOization of Data Visualization

22 Jun
Friday 22 June 2018, at 15:15 5510-103 Store Aud.

Inauguration Lecture: Hans-Jörg Schulz

CS Colloquium - Susanne Bødker: What would it take to establish an open and malleable Fjæsbog 2.0 (TM), and why don’t we?

9 May
Wednesday 9 May 2018, at 15:15 Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditorium (5335-016)


With starting point in her newly started ERC grant, Susanne Bødker will talk about the digital objects that people, in everyday life as well…

CS Colloquium - Ivan Damgård: Can Quantum Computers Really Break Any Encryption Scheme?

2 Mar
Friday 2 March 2018, at 15:15 5510-104 InCuba Lille Aud.

How worried should we be?

CS Colloquium - Lars Birkedal: Logic and Semantics for Modern Programming Languages

2 Feb
Friday 2 February 2018, at 15:15 5335-016 Nygaard, Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditoriet

- An Introduction to Iris


  • 2017 
  • 2016
  • Fall 2015
  • Spring 2015
  • Fall 2014
  • Spring 2014