Aarhus University Seal

Previous talks

Inaugural lecture by Ken Pfeuffer: Eye-Hand Symbiosis for Extended Reality

2 Dec
Friday 2 December 2022, at 14:15 InCuba Store Aud, Building 5510 room 103

Title: Eye-Hand Symbiosis for Extended Reality
Abstract: While mouse and touch controls for the flat world of 2D displays have matured over time,…

Inaugural lecture by Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose: Softer Software

4 Nov
Friday 4 November 2022, at 14:15 InCuba Store Aud, Building 5510 room 103

Title: Softer Software
Abstract: Modern software is not soft at all, and it is very difficult for even the competent user to shape it to their…

Inaugural lecture by Jean Pichon: Elucidating Systems Programming

7 Oct
Friday 7 October 2022, at 14:15 InCuba Store Aud, Building 5510 room 103

Title: Elucidating Systems Programming
Abstract: We teach things like compilers and operating systems to students. They get a high-level idea, but…

Guest Talks by Tobias Langlotz & Stefanie Zollmann

25 Aug
Thursday 25 August 2022, at 14:00 5335-016 Nygaard Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditoriet

Tobias Langlotz

Augmenting Reality: From Augmented Paintings to Augmented Perceptions

It was in the times of mainframe computing…

Chris Schwiegelshohn inaugural lecture: On Compression

1 Apr
Friday 1 April 2022, at 14:00 Building 5510 room 103 InCuba Auditorium

Title: On Compression
Abstract: Store information. Succinctly.

Srikanth Srinivasan inaugural lecture: Computation with Polynomials

4 Mar
Friday 4 March 2022, at 14:00 Building 5510 room 103 InCuba Auditorium

Title: Computation with Polynomials

Abstract: Computational Complexity can come across as a forbidding discipline with hard-to-state problems and…

Diego F. Aranha inaugural lecture: Cryptography as a Systems Security Problem

4 Feb
Friday 4 February 2022, at 14:00 Store Auditorium (5510-103) at Department of Computer Science

Inaugural lecture by associate professor Diego F. Aranha.

The talk will be followed by a reception. All interested are welcome to participate.…

CS Colloquium: Aurore Guillevic - "The knapsack algorithm in analytical chemistry"

23 Sep
Thursday 23 September 2021, at 14:30 InCuba Lille Auditorium

Short bio: 

Aurore Guillevic is researcher at Inria Nancy (a French research institute in computer science) and works on the implementation aspects…

Inaugural lecture by Ioannis Caragiannis

7 May
Friday 7 May 2021, at 14:00 Online Zoom

Topics in Computational Social Choice: Voting, Stable Matchings, and Fair Division

Computational social choice is a field at the…

Inaugural lecture by Amin Timany

9 Apr
Friday 9 April 2021, at 14:00 On zoom

Formal reasoning about programs and programming languages

It is well known that it is important to ensure that programs, especially…


  • 2017 
  • 2016
  • Fall 2015
  • Spring 2015
  • Fall 2014
  • Spring 2014