Aarhus University Seal

Previous talks

CS Colloquium - Panagiotis Karras: Robustness in Probabilistic Networks

31 Jan
Friday 31 January 2020, at 14:15 Building 5335-016 (Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditoriet)


How can we assess a network's ability to maintain its functionality under attacks? While network robustness has been studied extensively in…

CS Colloquium - Prof. Giuseppe Santucci: Visual Analytics and CyberSecurity

17 Jan
Friday 17 January 2020, at 15:15 Building 5510-104 (INCUBA lille Aud.)

Abstract: The talk will discuss possible relationships between Visual Analytics and cyber security, listing hot application fields and tickling the…

CS Colloquium - Peter Scholl: Computing blindfolded: How can you compute on data, without seeing it?

22 Nov
Friday 22 November 2019, at 15:15 Building 5510-104 (INCUBA Lille Aud.)

Inaugural lecture

CS Colloquium - Magnus Madsen: What you should know about declarative programming

1 Nov
Friday 1 November 2019, at 15:15 Building 5510-104 (INCUBA Lille Aud.)

Inaugural lecture

CS Colloquium - Andreas Pavlogiannis:The challenge of program verification (and a bit of biology)

4 Oct
Friday 4 October 2019, at 15:15 Building 5510-104 (INCUBA lille Aud.)

Is my program bug-free? Can it leak sensitive information? Can it take forever to run?

CS Colloquium - Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen

6 Sep
Friday 6 September 2019, at 15:15 Building 5510-104 (INCUBA lille Aud.)


Computer Science Day 2019

24 May
Friday 24 May 2019, at 14:15 5335-016 (Peter Bøgh Andersen Aud)

10 minutes to introduce your research. This is the concept of The Computer Science Day which takes place in 5335-016 Peter Bøgh Auditorium, on Friday…

CS Colloquium - Bas Spitters: Modern Type Theory and Secure Blockchains

10 May
Friday 10 May 2019, at 15:15 Building 5510, room 104 (Incuba Lille Aud)

Types help programmers to write clear and correct programs. I will present recent developments in type theory which will allow us to write bigger…

CS Colloquium - Claudio Orlandi: Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Their Applications in Modern Cryptography

26 Apr
Friday 26 April 2019, at 15:15 Building 5510, room 104 (Incuba Lille Aud)

Suppose I claim I can taste the difference between Carlsberg and Tuborg. If you don't believe me, you could pour some beer in a glass and see if I can…

CS Colloquium - Davide Mottin:Are smart devices really smart? An algorithmic road towards smartness

15 Mar
Friday 15 March 2019, at 15:15 Building 5335, room 016 (Peter Bøgh Auditorium)

OK Google, I would like to visit a city like Aarhus". A seemingly simple question like this finds only disappointing answers from modern smart…


  • 2017 
  • 2016
  • Fall 2015
  • Spring 2015
  • Fall 2014
  • Spring 2014