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Meet Camilla from Bytelab

Camilla Vinther Kristiansen

Scrum Master and Software Developer at Bytelab

Master's in Computer Science from Aarhus University in 2018

You can use an IT education for a lot of different things. You can teach if that's what you want. But you can also use your education to develop systems for car financing or investigate why buildings stay standing and don't collapse. You can create software that checks if the food in the fridge is too old. You can actually do whatever you want, and that's really cool. For example, I build software for car dealerships and leasing companies.

I think IT is a fantastic industry with exciting tasks and great freedom. We're far away from the stereotypes some might have, like sitting in dark rooms with soda and pizza. That's not how it is at all. I completed a Master's in Computer Science and am now employed as a Scrum Master at Bytelab. We work in bright environments and enjoy going outside for lunch - and I have many good and fun colleagues to talk and collaborate with. Sometimes it almost feels like I'm still at university and my colleagues are my classmates. We have a great time together, and we have a cool social atmosphere, while also delivering a lot of work. I often work on exciting products that I like to continue working on after regular working hours.

Built a game workshop for IT Camp for Girls

I don't see IT as a male-dominated field. I can see that there are many men around when I look around, but it doesn't bother me. I often wear dresses and high heels, and I wear makeup every day - it's never been a problem, and I fit in just fine. But it would be great to have more women in the field. That's why I have been participating as a workshop leader at IT Camp for Girls at the Department of Computer Science for several years, where I have built a game workshop in Java, introducing girls to programming as a tool. When you work with programming yourself, you really see all the opportunities it provides.

Computer science is problem-solving and there are good job opportunities

I think you should consider an IT education if you think math is a cool subject. But it can also be for you if you're one of those who always think about why something is the way it is, if you like solving problems, or if you like making things easier for people. There is IT in everything, and with an IT education, you're not just opening one but many doors. And there are plenty of job opportunities - with really good starting salaries - so you can easily get started with an exciting job right after graduation.