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Meet Josephine from Invokers

Josephine Raun Thomsen, 26 years old

UX Designer at Invokers

Master's degree in IT-Product Development from Aarhus University in 2017


I've always been fascinated by technology and curious about how things work, like a remote control. Why was it designed that way? How did it function? What was inside? I've been deeply interested in technical details from an early age, and some of that is definitely thanks to my father, who is a trained marine engineer and now works as a wind turbine technician. As a child, I played with circuits, which I found incredibly fun.

During my time in high school, I participated in a student internship at Aarhus University and got a taste for both Computer Science and IT Product Development. The visit was truly an eye-opener for me; the whole digital aspect and the practical nature of the programs fascinated me.

High professionalism and work ethic

The department is highly functional with a close-knit community and an almost familial atmosphere, where everyone gets to know each other well. Everything is done in project teams with high professionalism, and the study program is well thought out with a strong work ethic; everyone takes pride in producing quality work while having fun.

Throughout my studies, I learned to program, solder, and 3D print. I love the blend of practical and theoretically heavy subjects. I'm not sure if I'm a nerd, but I'm very passionate about what I do, and for me, being a nerd is a positive term that simply characterizes a passionate individual.

After completing my master's degree in IT Product Development in 2017, I worked as a research assistant at the Engineering College in Aarhus for six months before starting as a UX designer at Invokers.

From student to UX designer

UX stands for User Experience, and it's about solving problems for users and creating the best possible experience throughout the user journey. I'm not a programmer, but I have a deep understanding of and insight into designing services and products by facilitating design processes. I'm involved in creating prototypes, visualizing future IT systems, investigating user needs, the business, and the underlying technologies, and we strive to create the technology that will help solve the problem.

At Invokers, we work on exciting tasks for exciting clients, and we have a high degree of autonomy. I have significant influence over my work, and that's crucial for me; it means a lot for my job satisfaction. I chose my education with both my brain and my heart, and it was not a random decision. The prospect of good pay and favorable conditions, including flexible working hours, also influenced my choice of education.

Women just need to discover the many exciting opportunities

In my cohort, we were only four women, but with its focus on design, the study program is a very creative field, which often attracts women. For me, it was spot on. I love that through my design work, I get to work with people.

I'm convinced that it's possible to attract more women to our field, and there's no difference in men's and women's suitability for computer science. We just need to get more women to discover the many opportunities. The most fun and exciting challenges are about the future. We're facing massive problems with climate and demographics; our society is growing older, and we need to find solutions. Women should naturally be involved in designing the necessary solutions, new systems, and services that we don't know about today.

"The most fun and exciting challenges are about the future. We're facing massive problems with climate and demographics; our society is growing older, and we need to find solutions. Women should naturally be involved in designing the necessary solutions, new systems, and services that we don't know about today."

- Josephine Raun Thomsen