Introduction to Programming with Scientific Applications

Aarhus University, Department of Computer Science


The weekly handins are stated together with the ordinary exercises on the “Exercises” page. Both the weekly handins and the final project can be done in groups of up to three persons.

The weekly handins and the final project can be handed in under Course Tools > Assignments on the Brightspace course page on Before you can hand in your assignments on the page you need to register your handin group under Course Tools > Groups on Brightspace.

The first lines of each handin must contain the study ids and full names of all group members who contributed to the handin.

The filename of each submission must contain the study ids and full names of all group members.

Changes to handin groups

Make sure that that the names on your handin correspond to the registered group members in Brightspace. If one of the group members becomes inactive, the remaining active group members should register in a new group on Brightspace. If a group splits up, please register for new groups in Brightspace. If you want to join an existing group, just register for the existing group in Brightspace.