New research center will add innovation using Big Data
Department of Computer Science establishes a new large data-driven research center, DABAI, in collaboration with a number of other Danish universitites, to add innovation to the society using Big Data financed by Innovation Fund Denmark.
The so called societypartnerchip entails collaboration between the computer science departments at Copenhagen University, the Danish Technical University and Aarhus University and the private companies Systematic, Visma and BusinessMinds. Aditionally Digitaliseringsstyrelsen, Erhvervsstyrelsen and Central Region Denmark will participate. The partnership will be directed by the Alexandra Institute. A number of smaller private and public institutions will participate in case-activities in the center.
The two principal initiators from the CS department is professor Lars Arge (in charge of the focus area 'public data') and professor Kaj Grønbæk (in charge of the focus area 'interactive visual analytics).
Further details of the center can be found here (in Danish only).