DABAI Inauguration
The Danish Centre for Big Data Analytics driven Innovation (DABAI) was inaugurated on Friday, May 27. Center Director and Professor Lars Arge is one of the initiators.
DABAI stands for DAnish Centre for Big Data Analytics driven Innovation.
MADLGO Center Director and Professor Lars Arge, one of the DABAI initiators, has the main responsibility for one of the project’s focus areas: public data.
The project is led by the Alexandra Institute, and the remaining core players are the computer science departments at the University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark and Aarhus University, as well as companies including Systematic, Visma and BusinessMinds, and authorities such as the Danish Agency for Digitisation, the Danish Business Authority and the Central Denmark Region. A considerable number of other private and public companies will also be involved in specific case activities at the centre.
The aim of the collaboration is to develop general techniques and methods in the areas of analysis algorithms, machine learning and interactive visual analysis, all of which can be reused cutting across a number of cases in three business areas: public data, food industry data, and data from IT-based learning, where the many companies involved in DABAI have a clear business potential.
DABAI has an initial budget of more than DKK 117 million for a period of four years from March 2016, DKK 45 million of which is financed by a grant from Innovation Fund Denmark. The remaining budget consists of self-financed contributions from the participating partners, including DKK 5 million in direct support from the Central Denmark Region.
Read more about DABAI here.