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After a thorough international review process, the Danish National Research Foundation has awarded MADALGO another 40 Million Kroner. MADALGO was…
Jesper Asbjørn Sindahl is February 1, 2011, starting as a Ph.D. student supervised by Gerth Stølting Brodal. His PhD project will be a joint…
The Danish Minister of Research has awarded Kasper Green Larsen one of the prestigious 2011 elite research travel scholarship. The price is given to…
Christian Søndergaard Jensen is January 24, 2011 awarded with the Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award for Technical and Scientific Research. The award…
MADALGO postdoc Elad Verbin is giving a 5 ECTS course on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms in the 3rdQuarter (Spring 2011).
MADALGO postdocs Lap Kei Lee and Qin Zhang are giving a 5 ECTS course on data stream algorithms in the 4rd Quarter (Q4, Spring 2011).
The television portrait of Lars Arge is belonging to a portrait series produced by the Danish television channel DK4 and is a portrait series of the…
MADALGO PhD student Mark Greve gained an impressive fifth place in his semifinal TopCoder Open 2010 in the category The Algorithm Competition.
MADALGO postdoc Elad Verbin is giving a 5 ECTS course on Lower Bounds and Information Theory in the 2ndQuarter (Fall 2010).
From left:
Brody Sandel started on July 1, 2010. He recently received his PhD from University of California, Berkeley. His research interests are in…
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