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Former MADALGO master students Morten Kragelund Holt and Jens Johansen was awarded the DSfD's master thesis award 2013 with their joint thesis…
MADALGO Summer School 2014, Learning at Scale, takes places in Aarhus, August 11 - 14 2014.
The five prestigious PhD Prizes were awareded at a ceremony May 28 in Aulaen, Aarhus University.
MADALGO Summer School 2014, learning at scale, August 11 - 14, 2014, MADALGO, Aarhus University
MADALGO welcomes a new Assistant Professor to the center, Kasper Green Larsen holds a PhD in Computer Science from Aarhus University from May 2013.…
MADALGO welcomes a new PhD student to the center, Edvin Berglin holds a masters degree in Computer Science from Lund University, Sweden, and is…
MADALGO welcomes a new PhD student to the center, Ingo van Duijn holds a masters degree in Computer Science from Utrecht University and is commencing…
MADALGO welcomes a new post doc to the center, Wanbin Son holds a PhD from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea and is a post…
MADALGO associate Jens-christian Svenning recieved the Eliteforsk Award 2014 at the Eliteforsk conference February 6, 2013. MADALGO congratulates…
Lars Arge and Mikkel Thorup revieves best paper award at the 24th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation 2013 (ISAAC) with the paper 'R…
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