Aarhus University Seal


Thomas Dueholm Hansen has been awarded the Aarhus University Research Foundation's PhD prize

- Public/media

Thomas Dueholm Hansen was one of the five PhD students on Tuesday 28 May 2013 who received the Aarhus University Research Foundation PhD - prize along…

Industrial PhD brings knowledge to smart cities

- Public/media

PhD project contributes to the development of techniques for handling large live data streams


On the 1st of April, industrial PhD Peiman Mamani…

Jakob Nielsen receives ACM SigCHI lifetime practice award

- Public/media

Computer science graduate Jakob Nielsen received ACM SigCHI lifetime practice award, in connection with the CHI conference in Paris.

Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education visits Department of Computer Science

- Public/media

On Friday 19 April Morten Østergaard, Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education came to the Department of Computer Science to get…

Ambitious students from around the world attended the SIDeR'13 conference

- Public/media

Last week 120 students from all over the world gathered in the IT-city Katrinebjerg to the ninth Student Interaction Design Research Conference,…

Cryptographers blog about their research

- Public/media

The crypto group at Computer Science started a new website to promote their research and to allow researchers and business in the area to exchange…

Conference makes room for dialogue and contemplation

- Public/media

Lecture in the morning, dialogue in the afternoon, and pizza and beer in the evening. This is what’s on the agenda for around 40 participants who…

Joint Christmas Party at CS and Alexandra Institute

- Staff

On Friday December 5, 2014 at 6 pm the Alexandra Institute and CS Staff Club invite employees to the annual Christmas Party.

The program will include…

Guidelines for sending mail by courier

- Staff

When sending mail by courier (paid by the department or a project) please always contact Tina Rudolph in the information office.

License Agreements with Adobe no longer valid

- Staff

The AU license agreements on Adobe CS5 and Adobe Acrobat Pro are no longer valid. This means that ST-support can no longer hand out or install Adobe…

Clemens Klokmose wins Best Paper Award

- Featured

Clemens Klokmose wins Best Paper Award at the Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2014 conference together with Kim Halskov, Janus Bager Kristensen…

Robot exhibition in “Ridehuset” inspires children from the fifth grade at Strandskolen to participate in First LEGO League - and win

- Featured

During the Aarhus festival ”Børn og Unge” from Aarhus Municipality hosted an event in Ridehuset, where, among other things, a handful of computer…

Rapidly and effectively from research to telemedicine operations

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Department of Computer Science and Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University launches in cooperation with the Alexandra Institute and…

PhD student Esben Andreasen Awarded travel bursaries from the Stibo Foundation

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6 PhD students researching into IT have been awarded travel bursaries from the Stibo Foundation worth more than DKK 400,000. The money will enable…

Ole Caprani wins e-Skills award

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On the eSkills for Jobs 2014 conference on 30 October 2014 in Rome, Italy, Ole Caprani was awarded the e-Skills award for outstanding use of ITC for…

Artifact Award to PhD student Asger Feldthaus and Associate Professor Anders Møller

- Awards

PhD student Asger Feldthaus and his advisor Anders Møller have received an ACM SIGPLAN OOPSLA 2014 Artifact Award for the research tool TSCheck, which…