Streaming Extraction of Elevation Contours from LIDAR Points
Martin Isenburg, Yuanxin Liu and Jack Snoeyink
9:30 -9:50
Reducing the Memory Required to Find a Geodesic Shortest Path on a Large Mesh
Vishal Verma and Jack Snoeyink
9:50 -10:10
Spatial Streaming for Point Clouds and Meshes with Labels and Properties
Shawn Brown, Catalin Constantin and Jack Snoeyink
10:10 - 10:30
Streaming Connected Component Computation for Trillion Voxel Images
Martin Isenburg and Jonathan Shewchuk
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
Session 2
11:00 - 11:20
On Computational Models for Flash Memory Devices
Deepak Ajwani, Andreas Beckmann, Riko Jacob, Ulrich Meyer and Gabriel Moruz
11:20 - 11:40
Fault Tolerant External Memory Algorithms
Allan Grønlund Jørgensen, Gerth Stølting Brodal and Thomas Mølhave
11:40 - 12:00
On P-complete Problems in Memory Hierarchy Models
Deepak Ajwani
12:00 - 1:30
Session 3
1:30 - 1:50
Parallel Sparse Matrix-Vector and Matrix-Transpose-Vector Multiplication Using Compressed Sparse Blocks
Aydin Buluç, Jeremy T. Fineman, Matteo Frigo, John R. Gilbert and Charles E. Leiserson
1:50 - 2:10
Parallel I/O-Efficient State Space Generation
Jiri Barnat, Luboš Brim and Pavel Simecek
2:10 - 2:30
Building a Parallel Pipelined External Memory Algorithm Library Andreas Beckmann, Roman Dementiev and Johannes Singler
2:30 - 2:50
Scalable Distributed External Memory Sorting Mirko Rahn, Peter Sanders and Johannes Singler
Coffee break
Session 4
3:20 - 3:40
Simple I/O-efficient Flow Accumulation on Grid Terrains
Herman Haverkort and Jeffrey Janssen
3:40 - 4:00
Bipartite Graph Matchings in the Semi-Streaming Model
Sebastian Eggert, Lasse Kliemann and Anand Srivastav
4:00 - 4:20
Computing Cosine and Lift Measures via Biased Sampling
Andrea Campagna and Rasmus Pagh
4:20 - 4:40
External Sampling
Alexandr Andoni, Piotr Indyk, Krzysztof Onak and Ronitt Rubinfeld
Workshop ends
MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University