Accepted Posters

WABI 2001

1st Workshop on Algorithms in BioInformatics
BRICS, University of Aarhus, Denmark, August 28-31, 2001

ALGO 2002
September 16-21
Rome ``La Sapienza''
ALGO 2001
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ESA 2001
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WAE 2001
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-Call for papers
WABI 2001
-Accepted papers
-Accepted posters
-Call for papers
-Call for posters
-Accepted papers
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  1. The traveling salesman invest in biotech: using elastic net deterministic annealing for fast protein fold prediction
    K.D. Ball, B. Erman, and K.A. Dill
  2. Extension of dynamic programming sequence alignment to pattern
    J.-P. Comet and J. Henry
  3. A new heuristic for constructing phylogenetic trees based on gene order
    N. Eriksen and K. Eriksson
  4. RADARS: A network-based bioinformatics system for protein mass spectrometry
    D. Fenyö and S.V. Bugaj
  5. Fast recognition signal in large draft genomic sequences
    S. Gebauer-Jung, U. Goebel, and T. Wiehe
  6. Clustering of human endogenous retroviruses HERV-K and estimation of a time of their insertion in genome
    T. Gorodentseva, I. Artamonova, and E. Sverdlov
  7. Performance analysis of differential expression prediction algorithms using simulated array data
    G. Grant, E. Manduchi, S. Sokolovsky, and C. Soetckert
  8. Bioinformatic Detection of Transcriptional Promoters in Sequenced Prokaryotic Genomes
    P.E. Jacques, J. Goulet, J. Beaucher, L. Gaudreau, and R. Brzezinski
  9. Compositional spectrum - a tool for genomic sequence comparison and characterization
    V.M. Kirzhner, A.B. Korol, E. Nevo, and A. Bolshoy
  10. Gene expression analysis based on scatter plots and on robust/resistant regression to identify differentially expressed genes in microarray data
    A. Loguinov, R. Yukhananov, C. Vulpe, and S. Mian
  11. Gene finding integrating external evidence
    T. Schiex, C. Mathé, A. Moisan, and P. Rouzé
  12. Hardware-assisted string-matching algorithms
    G. Stefan, and D. Thiebaut
  13. Sequence complexity profiles of prokaryotic genomic sequences
    O.G. Troyanskaya, O. Arbell, Y. Koren, G.M. Landau, and A. Bolshoy
  14. Algorithms and analysis for combining sequences and maps: application to the Malaria parasite P. falciparum
    M. Antionetti, T. Anantharaman, C.W. Chang, J. Colinas, S. Paxia, D.C. Schwartz, and B. Mishra

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