Aarhus University Seal


Master in Computer Science no. 1500

- Featured

On January 29, 2013 Casper Wandahl Schmidt could call himself Master in Computer Science from Aarhus University as number 1500 in the line of computer…

How data intensive systems can be used in practice

- Staff

In the latest production of the video series "Ud af boksen" professor Christian S. Jensen explains how data intensive systems can be used in practice,…

Workshop on markets, pricing and smart grids

- Featured

In a not so distant future, we will be able to get smart electricity from our power sockets. This may lead to easier, cheaper and greener energy for…

IT graduate, entrepreneur - and 1 million DKK richer

- Featured

Jacob Markussen, who has graduated in IT product development at Aarhus University in 2012, has just received 1 million DKK from Østjysk Innovation.…

Computer scientists on the scent of flocks of people

- Featured

Humans are gregarious by nature. But when do people constitute a flock and when are they simply random passers-by going in different directions? The…

Nominees for teacher of the year!

- Awards

Five teachers are nominated for Teacher of the Year at the Department of Computer Science. Students from the department will in a vote decide the…

Please help us to recycle paper

- Staff

In af few days, you will get this box in your office.

New phone services provider - what does the subscription cover?

- Staff

In September AU changed tele services provider from TDC to Telenor.

PhD student Kenneth Sejdenfaden Bøgh develops method for better search results.

- Public/media

PhD student Kenneth Sejdenfaden Bøgh has developed a method which, by means of graphic cards provides better search results.

It costs too much…

Four Computer Science students claim top prize in ESA Space App Camp

- Students

4 students from the Department of Computer Science, AU won an App competition held by The European Space Agency (ESA) in May 2014.


Michael Edelgaard Caspersen gives opening talk at ACM Europe’s open panel discussion

- Public/media

Michael Edelgaard Caspersen is one of the panelist in ACM Europe’s open panel discussions with "The Need to Improve Computer Science Education in…

Workplace evaluation 2013 - action plans completed

- Public/media

The Occupational Health and Safety Committee has completed the action plans related to the workplace evaluation 2013.

See the aggregated action plans

Sven Skyum celebrated

- Staff

On Friday 5 September 2014 the Department of Computer Science celebrated the retirement of Sven Skyum.


Sven Skyum has been part of Aarhus…

Christmas Party 2014 at CS and Alexandra

- Staff

The date is set for the Christmas Party 2014 - so mark your calendar on December 5, 2014 from 18:00.

Computer science student managed to get through the eye of the needle at Google

- Featured

Asger Feldthaus, student at Department of Computer Science, got through the eye of the needle and got a 3-month internship at Google in Aarhus with an…

235 new students have been enrolled at our two bachelor programmes.

- Featured

This year the total number of accepted Bachelor Students of 235 will mark a record intake, slightly increasing the level of 220-225 from the preceding…