Aarhus University Seal


In Memoriam: Professor Lars Arge

- Public/media

It is with great sorrow, we received the message that Professor Lars Arge has passed away on December 23rd, 2020, at the age of just 53. His wife…

New Committee for Diversity and Equality at the Department

- CS frontpage

At Department of Computer Science (CS), we see diversity, as a strength and we are well aware that the Department - and computer science in general -…

Growing number of Chinese students in Aarhus

- CS frontpage

Over the past three years, the Department of Computer Science has received increasing numbers of applications from international students for the…

Danish computer science departments form a strong alliance

- CS frontpage

All Danish computer science departments and the Alexandra Institute form a unique alliance, which is supported by DKK 100 million by Innovation Fund…

Congratulations to Sapere Aude Research Leader Peter Scholl

- CS frontpage

“The Sapere Aude programme is a fantastic opportunity to consolidate my research and develop my skills as a research leader. It is great to see my…

Great success for LogSem and PL at two top conferences

- CS frontpage

Researchers from Logic & Semantics and Programming Languages have had a remarkably high number of papers accepted at the top conferences OOPSLA’20 and…