Aarhus University Seal


Danish hacker team is in the top of world ranking

- CS frontpage

The Danish team Kalmarunionen, which participates in capture the flag “CTF” cybersecurity competitions, is currently placed second in the world…

Unique career opportunities in Aarhus for IT students

- CS frontpage

Destination AARhus is giving IT talents - coming to Aarhus University - a unique opportunity to connect with some of the biggest IT companies in the…

In Memoriam - Professor Lars Arge

Late professor Lars Arge
- Public/media

Professor Lars Arge passed away, December 23rd 2020. To honour him, some of his colleagues and research collaborators share their memories.

Is it possible to maximize the diversity of exposure in a social network?

- CS frontpage

Social media today depends on building echo chambers (a.k.a filter bubbles) that gather users in like-minded digital communities. These bubbles…

Significant increase in applicants from NON-EU countries

- CS frontpage

In spite of the global covid-19 pandemic, the number of NON-EU applicants for the computer science program at Aarhus University has increased…

Data Visualization course brings together Master students across faculties

- CS frontpage

The need to gather, analyze, and ultimately understand data pervades all scientific fields. Hence, it is no wonder that the Data Visualization (DaVi)…