Aarhus University Seal


Ole Caprani – 50 years from numerical analysis to robots

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Congratulations to Ole Caprani on his 50th anniversary at Aarhus University on May 1, 2024. This anniversary marks not only a distinguished career but…

New Associate Professor

Associate Professor Amin Timany
- CS frontpage

Exactly 4 years after Amin Timany joined the Logic and Semantics research group as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor to do research within program…

Scientists surprise high school students: The internet knows who you are

- CS frontpage

Every time you click around on the internet, you leave traces. But perhaps you'll be surprised at HOW well the internet knows you. That was certainly…

Metadata: the traces you didn’t know you were leaving online

- CS frontpage

Message encryption has become the de-facto standard to protect online communication. Yet, most people are unaware that who and when they text—their…

Ole Caprani – 50 years from numerical analysis to robots

- Site Specific

Congratulations to Ole Caprani on his 50th anniversary at Aarhus University on May 1, 2024. This anniversary marks not only a distinguished career but…

New Associate Professor

- CS frontpage

Exactly 4 years after Amin Timany joined the Logic and Semantics research group as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor to do research within program…

Scientists surprise high school students: The internet knows who you are

- CS frontpage

Every time you click around on the internet, you leave traces. But perhaps you'll be surprised at HOW well the internet knows you. That was certainly…

Metadata: the traces you didn’t know you were leaving online

- CS frontpage

Message encryption has become the de-facto standard to protect online communication. Yet, most people are unaware that who and when they text—their…