Aarhus University Seal


Course Review: Data Visualization

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A few weeks ago, another run of our master’s level course on Data Visualization came to an end. Nearly 90 students from 4 faculties and 8 different…

Appointment of Professor: Marianne Graves Petersen

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Congratulations to Marianne Graves Petersen who has been appointed professor of computer science. In 2003, she started at the department as an…

Congratulations to Peter Scholl

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Congratulations to Peter Scholl who has been appointed Associate Professor after only 3,5 years as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor.

Peter is…

ERC Proof of Concept Grant to Anders Møller

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Professor Anders Møller has - for the second time - been selected by the European Research Council (ERC) to receive a Proof-of-Concept Grant, this…

New Assistant Professor: Michael Wessely

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In October 2022, Michael Wessely joined the department as a tenue-track assistant professor in the Collaboration and Computer-Human Interaction group…

AUFF NOVA grant to Davide Mottin and Ira Assent

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Congratulations to assistant professor Davide Mottin and professor Ira Assent who have received an AUFF Nova grant from Aarhus University Research…