Aarhus University Seal


The WallViz project uses highly interactive, wall-sized visualizations to help decision makers handle massive collections of data and improve decision making from massive collections of data.

We collaborate with researchers from the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) who are experts in visualization and user-centered design. The project is coordinated by project manager Kasper Hornbæk from the Human-Centered Computing group.

The focus of our group is on data management and data mining issues in the context of interactive exploration and decision making.

Challenges arise from

  • the need for entry points into data analysis to provide an overview over the data.
  • response time requirements that are adequate for interaction.
  • scalability issues for large scale data collections.

We focus on developing novel techniques for

  • efficient ad-hoc query processing
  • progressive query processing
  • intelligent caching and materialization approaches
  • just-in-time query processing
  • scalable data mining algorithms

People involved from the Data-Intensive Systems group are

  • Assoc. Prof. Ira Assent
  • Prof. Christian S. Jensen