Aarhus University Seal

Programming Languages

Focus points for the Programming Languages group

  • Static program analysis
  • Automated testing
  • Web programming
  • Functional programming languages
  • Programming language design
  • Functional and logic programming
  • Type and effect systems
  • Algorithmic Verification

About the group

Programming is a core discipline in Computer Science. In the Programming Languages research group we explore new ways to design and apply programming languages and develop theoretical foundations and practical tools for programming. A central topic of our research is program analyses techniques for increasing software quality and programmer productivity.

Many of our activities are organized in Center for Advanced Software Analysis (CASA). Read about the projects at the CASA webpage.

More than 60 Ph.D.'s and 190 M.Sc's have graduated from the Programming Languages group.

If you are interested in joining the group, for example as a PhD student or postdoc, please contact us.
