
From PreTalent22 Require Import Overture.
From Coq.Lists Require Import List.
From Coq.micromega Require Import Lia.
From PreTalent22 Require Import Spl_completed SplVM_before_third_session.

Import ListNotations.

The compiler from SPL to SPLVM and its correctness

Our compiler is a simple recursive function that translates SPL programs to SPLVM programs (lists of SPLVM instructions).
Exercise (in class)

Prove the following lemma.

Fixpoint compile (e : expr) : VMProg :=
  match e with
  | Num n => [PushNum n]
  | Bool b => [PushBool b]
  | ITE c t f =>
      let vm_c := compile c in
      let vm_t := compile t in
      let vm_f := compile f in
      vm_c ++ [CJump (S (length vm_f))] ++ vm_f ++ [Jump (length vm_t)] ++ vm_t
  | And e1 e2 =>
      let vm_e1 := compile e1 in
      let vm_e2 := compile e2 in
      vm_e1 ++ vm_e2 ++ [DoAnd]
  | Or e1 e2 =>
      let vm_e1 := compile e1 in
      let vm_e2 := compile e2 in
      vm_e1 ++ vm_e2 ++ [DoOr]
  | Not e =>
      let vm_e := compile e in
      vm_e ++ [DoNot]
  | Le e1 e2 =>
      let vm_e1 := compile e1 in
      let vm_e2 := compile e2 in
      vm_e1 ++ vm_e2 ++ [DoLe]
  | Eq e1 e2 =>
      let vm_e1 := compile e1 in
      let vm_e2 := compile e2 in
      vm_e1 ++ vm_e2 ++ [DoEq]
  | Add e1 e2 =>
      let vm_e1 := compile e1 in
      let vm_e2 := compile e2 in
      vm_e1 ++ vm_e2 ++ [DoAdd]
  | Sub e1 e2 =>
      let vm_e1 := compile e1 in
      let vm_e2 := compile e2 in
      vm_e1 ++ vm_e2 ++ [DoSub]
  | Mul e1 e2 =>
      let vm_e1 := compile e1 in
      let vm_e2 := compile e2 in
      vm_e1 ++ vm_e2 ++ [DoMul]

(* Some test cases for the compilation function above. *)

Eval compute in runVMProg [] 0 (compile (Spl_completed.add23)). (* Should print: (0, [NumEl 5]) *)

Eval compute in runVMProg [] 0 (compile (Spl_completed.if3le5)). (* Should print: (0, [NumEl 2#]) *)

Eval compute in runVMProg [] 0 (compile (Spl_completed.bad_prog)). (* Should print: (0, [NumEl 5; NumEl 3]) *)

Discuss in class

How can the compiler be correct (also see the correctness theorem below) when it is returning a result (the element on the top of the stack) in a case where the eval function returns Err?

Eval compute in runVMProg [] 0 (compile (Spl_completed.sub74)). (* Should print: (0, [NumEl 3]) *)

The result relation

We define the relation that we expect to hold between the results obtained by the eval function on a program and the results we expect to get by running the corresponding virtual machine.
The following theorem states the correctness property for our compiler: when we run the compiled version of a program on the empty stack we get back a stack that contains the only the expected result.
Exercise (partly in class)

Prove the following Theorem.

Theorem compile_correct e :
  eval e Err
   se, runVMProg [] 0 (compile e) = (0, [se]) result_rel (eval e) se.