Aarhus University Seal


PhD & Postdoc retreat 2023

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Today we gathered all our PhD students and Postdocs for the annual retreat 🌈 At the creative surroundings at Aros art museum, almost 70 junior…

10 papers accepted at IEEE VIS 2023

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What a great success for our visualization researchers, who have 10 papers accepted at IEEE VIS 2023 in Melbourne this October – congratulations! The…

Data-Intensive Systems have five papers accepted at VLDB 2023

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Congratulations to researchers from the Data-Intensive Systems group. This year, the research associate professor Panagiotis Karras has done with PhD…

More female and international applicants

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July 5th was the application deadline for quota 1 applications for higher education programs in Denmark. In total, we have received 431 applications…