Aarhus University Seal


Computer science student managed to get through the eye of the needle at Google

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Asger Feldthaus, student at Department of Computer Science, got through the eye of the needle and got a 3-month internship at Google in Aarhus with an…

235 new students have been enrolled at our two bachelor programmes.

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This year the total number of accepted Bachelor Students of 235 will mark a record intake, slightly increasing the level of 220-225 from the preceding…

Lars Birkedal new Head of Department at Department of Computer Science

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As from July 1, 2014 Lars Birkedal takes up the position as new Head of Department at the Department of Computer Science.

Well-attended computer science day

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On Friday, May 23 the Department of Computer Science hosted Computer Science Day, where more than 100 students and employees got a brief presentation…

Kasper Green Larsen receives Aarhus University Research Foundation PhD award

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Kasper Green Larsen receives the award for a new formula which solves a fundamental mathematical-computer science problem.