Aarhus University Seal


New project will make life easier for millions of JavaScript programmers


Via Innovation Fund Denmark's InnoExplorer program, which is awarded for research results with commercial potential, Professor Anders Møller from the…

Two DIREC projects led by Eve Hoggan and Jaco van de Pol

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Congratulations to Associate Professor Eve Hoggan and Professor Jaco van de Pol, who both have been selected as PIs for two new, large research…

New Sapere Aude Research Leaders at the Department

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Congratulations to assistant professors Davide Mottin and Chris Rene Schwiegelshohn who have been selected as Sapere Aude Research Leaders 2021 by…

Aarhus University sessions at Digital Tech Summit

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Aarhus University hosts a variety of sessions – ranging from Cybersecurity over Extended Reality to Smart Cities. Do not miss out, when leading…

Google ASPIRE grants to Jean Pichon-Pharabod and Lars Birkedal


Congratulations to Assistant professor Jean Pichon-Pharabod and Professor Lars Birkedal, who both have received $60,000 from the Google ASPIRE fund to…

Millions for the Danish national cyber team

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Industriens Fond invests millions in the Danish national cyber team (Cyberlandsholdet), which represents Denmark in international cyber security…

Research project: Secure DNA

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Today, our knowledge of DNA is so advanced that you can order synthetic DNA of any sequence from bio-tech companies. This is incredibly useful for…

Best Hack at Maker Faire 2021 in Aarhus

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October 16-17, some of talented students attended Maker Faire Aarhus at Dokk1. Besides showing and telling the many visitors what IT Product…