Package dk.brics.xmlgraph

Representation of XML Graphs (also known as Summary Graphs).


Interface Summary
ConcreteNode Interface for concrete nodes.

Class Summary
AttributeNode Attribute node.
ChoiceNode Choice/gap node.
ElementNode Element node.
InterleaveNode Interleave node.
MultiContentNode Abstract superclass for nodes with multiple sub-nodes.
NoContentNode Abstract superclass for nodes with no sub-nodes.
Node Abstract superclass for nodes.
NodeKind Node kind.
NodeKindFinder Finds node kinds in an XML graph.
NodeProcessor<T> Node processor interface.
OneOrMoreNode One-or-more node.
ReachableNodesProcessor Node processor for processing each reachable node at most once.
SequenceNode Sequence node.
Sharpener Sharpens a given XML graph by removing unreachable edges, element/attribute names, text, and gap presence.
Simplifier Simplifies a given XML graph by bypassing single-content choice/sequence/interleave nodes.
SingleContentNode Abstract superclass for nodes with a single sub-node.
TextNode Text node.
WelldefinedChecker Checker for well-definedness of XML graphs.
XMLGraph XML graph (also known as a Summary Graph).
XMLGraphFragment Encapsulation of root node, open gaps, and gap type map.

Package dk.brics.xmlgraph Description

Representation of XML Graphs (also known as Summary Graphs).

Anders Møller <>

Copyright © 2005-2010 Anders Møller.