Aarhus University Seal

Workshop with residents at Grundfos dormitory

On November 15, 2012, five facilitators from the Alexandra Institute held a workshop with 31 residents at the Grundfos dormitory.The residents visited Grundfos in Bjerringbro. They had all previously been guided around the company. The purpose of the workshop was to gain insight into the residents’ daily life at the dormitory and their experiences of moving into the dormitory. In other words, what is important to the residents at the dormitory? This information was the basis for the day’s work in small groups, where they were to generate ideas for concepts that could support or change the main challenge or value of living in a dormitory.

After the initial analysis, we see more interesting results of the workshop. For example, the community and the social life are the most important issues for the residents, more important than we had expected even with this target group. At the same time energy is apparently low on the residents’ awareness barometer. The results of the workshop are presented in the first instance to the EcoSense project group in a short report and a presentation. Hereinafter, these initial results are to be further examined in a follow-up questionnaire survey and a series of semi-structured interviews. The results of the studies will be used as a basis for the development of concepts that must change the residents’ energy behavior.