A Logical Approach to Type Soundness

Amin Timany, Robbert Krebbers, Derek Dreyer, and Lars Birkedal: A Logical Approach to Type Soundness. Accepted for publication in JACM, June 2024.
Journal Paper

Type soundness, which asserts that "well-typed programs cannot go wrong", is widely viewed as the canonical theorem one must prove to establish that a type system is doing its job. It is commonly proved using the so-called syntactic approach (aka progress and preservation), which has had a huge impact on the study and teaching of programming language foundations. Unfortunately, syntactic type soundness is a rather weak theorem. It only applies to programs that are completely well-typed, and thus tells us nothing about the many programs written in "safe" languages that make use of "unsafe" language features. Even worse, it tells us nothing about whether type systems achieve one of their main goals: enforcement of data abstraction. One can easily define a language that enjoys syntactic type soundness and yet fails to support even the most basic modular reasoning principles for abstraction mechanisms like closures, objects, and abstract data types.

In this paper, we argue that we should no longer be satisfied with just proving syntactic type soundness, and should instead start proving a stronger theorem—semantic type soundness—which captures more accurately what type systems are actually good for. Semantic type soundness is an old idea—Milner's original formulation of type soundness was a semantic one—but it fell out of favor in the 1990s due to limitations and complexities of denotational models. In the succeeding decades, thanks to a series of technical advances—notably, (1) step-indexed Kripke logical relations constructed over operational semantics and (2) higher-order concurrent separation logic} as consolidated in the Iris framework in Coq—we can now build (machine-checked) semantic soundness proofs at a much higher level of abstraction than was previously possible.

The resulting "logical" approach to semantic type soundness has already been employed to great effect in a number of recent papers (by us and others), but those papers typically concern advanced problem scenarios that complicate the presentation, they assume significant prior knowledge of the reader, and they refrain from giving many details of the proofs. Here, we hope to provide a gentler, more pedagogically motivated introduction to logical type soundness, aimed at a broader audience that may or may not be familiar with logical relations and Iris. As a bonus, we also show how logical type soundness proofs can be easily generalized to establish an even stronger relational property—representation independence—for realistic type systems.

The bibtex source for this publication:
 author  = {Amin Timany and
 Robbert Krebbers and
 Derek Dreyer and
 Lars Birkedal},
 title = {{A Logical Approach to Type Soundness}},
 journal = {JACM},
 year = {2024},
 note = {accepted for publication}}