Consult the course description for a description of the contents and purpose of the course. The plan for the course will develop throughout the course determined by the interests of the students. The first part of the course will, however, focus on a number of classical papers and will thus be quite fiexed. A preliminary plan for the course is available here.
The final readings list for the course is available here. Comprehensive hypermedia bibliographies are available on the WWW, the bibliography referenced here is located at Brown University.
Copies of papers are available in a pigeon hole at R.0. Supplementary notes may be found here on the Web.
The course is commuted, i.e. the evaluation is based on active participation and some mandatory activity rather than an examination. The active participation includes answering a few given exercises. The mandatory activity can beeither taking responsibility for preparing and conduction a week's lecture or writing a small project on a subject related to the course. A list of subjects for projects is available (in Danish) here.
Here is a semi-structured list of WWW pages relevant to hypermedia and multimedia.
Below is the list of participants with links to homepages and mail links. If you wish to send a mail to all participants including the teacher you can either do i by clicking here or by sending an email to another mailtool.
Email Name (WWW link) Office Phone kgronbak Kaj Grønbæk R.3.28 3237
Email Name (WWW link) Office Phone apaysen Angelika Paysen R 2.21 3354