Mandag den 21/5-2007, kl 14-16
Fredag den 25/5-2007, kl. 12-14
[CLRS] Exercises 25.2-4, 25.2-6, 32.1-2, 32.1-4, 32.2-1, 32.2-3, 32.4-5
[GT] R-9.10:
Draw the compact representation of the suffix trie for the string
"minimize minime".
[GT] C-9.10: Give an efficient algorithm for deleting a string from a
compressed trie and analyze its running time.
[GT] C-9.13: Describe an efficient algorithm to find the longest
palindrome that is a suffix of a string T of length
n. Recall that a palindrome is a string that is equal to
its reversal. What is the running time of your method?
[GT] C-9.18: Let A, B, and C be three
length-n character strings taken over the same constant sized
alphabet. Design and O(n3)-time algorithm for
finding a longest substring that is common to all three of A, B, and C.
Ekstra opgaver: Opgave 25, 26 ([GT] Kapitel 7.2.1 = [CLRS] Kapitel 25.2), 27, 28 (gamle dADS eksamensopgaver).