Kattis |
Kattis is a server used to host many competitions, incl.
NCPC (The Nordic Collegiate
Programming Competition) in Denmark also labelled the Danish
Championship in Programming.
Topcoder |
TopCoder is a company that regularly organizes programming
competitions in various disciplines. They organize on weekly basis
algorithm competitions. Single Round Matches (SRMs) typically consist
of three problems by increasing difficulty, and the coding phase is 75
minutes followed by a 15 challenge phase where you can try to get
points by spotting errors in other peoples solutions. Programming is
by default done in
the TopCoder
Arena, a Java applet supporting online compilation, testing and
submitting of scores. Topcoder Open
is a yearly event,
consisting of multiple rounds with an onsite final. You need a profile
to login.
| Codeforces organizes community driven programming contents, that
organizes weekly competitions, each competition lasting for about two
hours. Compilation is done offline. You download random generated
input instances and upload your code together with the output
generated by your program on the input instance. Input instances are
typically only valid for a few minutes. Hereafter a new input instance
can be requested.
You need to be a registered user to submit solutions.
Google Code Jam |
As the name suggests, a coding competition organized by
Google. Since 2008, Google organizes each year a Google Code Jam,
consisting of a number of rounds with an onsite final. In 2014 over
25.000 participated in the qualificication round. Problems from
the previous Jams are available on the website for practicing.
UVa Online Judge
| A large collection of programming problems. Solutions can be
uploaded and judged online. A user account is required.
| Another online judge hosting many problems and contests. A user
account is required for testing solutions.
| ACM International Collegiate Programming Contests is an
international student competition, where teams consists of three
contestants. Danish students can participate in
the Northwestern European Regional
Contest (NWERC), where the winners will advance to the ACM Programming Contest World finals.
Problems from previous ACM-ICPC Regionals and World Finals can be found and tried at the
ACM-ICPC Live Archive.
Mathematical oriented puzzles. Answers are just a fixed single
number. You need to be logged in with a user account to submit and verify your answer.
| The USA Computing Olympiad Training Program Gateway is a website for beginners.