Alexander Tiskin
Packing tripods: narrowing the density gap
Warwick. Work packages 4 and 5. November 2003.
Abstract: In 1984, S. K. Stein and his co-authors posed a problem concerning simple three-dimensional shapes, known as semicrosses, or tripods. By definition, a tripod is formed by a corner and the three adjacent edges of an integer cube. How densely can one fill the space with non-overlapping tripods of a given size? In particular, is it possible to fill a constant fraction of the space as the tripod size tends to infinity? In this paper, we settle the second question in the negative: the fraction of the space that can be filled with tripods must be infinitely small as the size grows. We also make a step towards the solution of the first question, by improving the currently known asymptotic lower bound on tripod packing density, and by presenting some computational results on small-size packings.
Postscript file: (175 kb).

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