
Jesper Makholm Byskov, Bolette Ammitzbøll Madsen and Bjarke Skjernaa
New Algorithms for Exact Satisfiability
Work package 4.
November 2003.
Abstract: The Exact Satisfiability problem is to determine if a CNF-formula
has a truth assignment satisfying exactly one literal in each
clause; Exact 3-Satisfiability is the version in which each clause
contains at most three literals. In this paper, we present
algorithms for Exact Satisfiability and Exact 3-Satisfiability
running in time O(20.2325n) and O(20.1379n), respectively.
The previously best algorithms have running times O(20.2441n)
for Exact Satisfiability (Monien, Speckenmeyer and Vornberger
(1981)) and O(20.1626n) for Exact 3-Satisfiability (Kulikov and
independently Porschen, Randerath and Speckenmeyer (2002)). We
extend the case analyses of these papers and observe, that a formula
not satisfying any of our cases has a small number of variables, for
which we can try all possible truth assignments and for each such
assignment solve the remaining part of the formula in polynomial
Postscript file: (523 kb).
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