Alexander Tiskin
Packing tripods: A computational approach
Warwick. Work packages 4 and 5. June 2003.
Abstract: In 1994, S. K. Stein and S. Szab\'o posed a problem concerning simple three-dimensional polyominoes, called ``tripods''. How densely can one fill a cube of size n with non-overlapping tripods? Following Stein, we denote by f(n) the maximum size of such a tripod packing. The best previously known lower bound for Stein's function is f(n)=Omega(n1.5235). We show that this lower bound can be improved to Omega(n1.5287). We also make some conjectures on the structure of good packings, and suggest possible further improvements to our experiments.
Postscript file: (72 kb).

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