Ulrich Meyer and Norbert Zeh
I/O Efficient Undirected Shortest Paths
MPI. Work packages 1 and 4. October 2003.
Abstract: We present an I/O-efficient algorithm for the single-source shortest path problem on undirected graphs G=(V,E). Our algorithm performs \O(\sqrt{(VE/B)log2(W/w)}+\sort(V+E)loglog(VB/E)) I/Os\footnote\sort(N)=Theta((N/B)logM/B(N/B)) is the I/O-complexity of sorting N data items., where w \in R^+ and W \in R^+ are the minimal and maximal edge weights in G, respectively. For uniform random edge weights in (0,1], the expected I/O-complexity of our algorithm is \O(\sqrt{VE/B}+((V+E)/B)log2B+\sort(V+E)).
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