
Gemma Casas-Garriga
Towards a formal Framework for mining Mining General Patterns from Structured Data
Work packages 1 and 4.
December 2003.
Abstract: In this paper we present the initial notions of a framework for mining general
patterns from complex structured data. To achieve this goal, we start by focusing here
on the most basic case: the mining of a plain ordered collection of data,
such as sequential databases or time-series data. Our framework develops
on the hypothesis of using the closure of the Galois connection as a way
to reduce the number of the extracted general patterns to the most representative ones.
So, we employ formal concept analysis to characterize the concept lattice of
these ordered contexts; our main contribution is a new Galois
connection that, in this work, allows to exactly derive the closed sequential
patterns found by a recent algorithm (CloSpan, [Clospan]).
Postscript file: (72 kb).
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