
Dimitris Fotakis
Incremental Algorithms for Facility Location and k-Median
Work packages 1 and 4.
December 2003.
Abstract: In the incremental versions of Facility Location and k-Median, the
demand points arrive one at a time and the algorithm must maintain
a good solution by either adding each new demand to an existing
cluster or placing it in a new singleton cluster. The algorithm
can also merge some of the existing clusters at any point in time.
We present the first incremental algorithm for Facility Location
which achieves a constant performance ratio and the first
incremental algorithm for k-Median which achieves a constant
performance ratio using O(k) medians, thus resolving an open
question of [Charikar, Panigrahy, STOC 2001]. Our algorithm is
based on a merge rule which ensures that the algorithm's
configuration monotonically converges to each optimal facility
according to a certain notion of distance. Using this property, we
reduce the general case to the special case that the optimal
solution consists of a single facility.
Postscript file: (120 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>