
Stefan Schamberger and Jens-Michael Wierum
Graph Partitioning in Scientific Simulations: Multilevel Schemes vs. Space-Filling Curves
Work package 2.
December 2003.
Abstract: Using space-filling curves to partition unstructured finite element
meshes is a widely applied strategy when it comes to distributing
load among several computation nodes. Compared to more elaborated
graph partitioning packages, this geometric approach is relatively
easy to implement and very fast. However, results are not expected
to be as good as those of the latter, but no detailed comparison has
ever been published. In this paper we will present results of our
experiments comparing the quality of partitionings computed with
different types of space-filling curves to those generated with the
graph partitioning package Metis.
Postscript file: (1291 kb).
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